When it comes to submitting your claim receipts, you must ensure they have all the necessary and pertinent information included. That way we can process your claims in a much more timely and efficient manner.
What your claim receipt needs to show in order to be processed:
It is important that when you submit your claims, they have all the information needed to process, but also that they are visible. Frequently, we will be sent claims that are obstructed by the payment slip, so please be sure to remove that when submitting it. We’ve outlined the vital information that must be seen on three of the most common types of claim receipts: Drug, Paramedical, and Dental Receipts.
For any other type of claim, if you are unsure what is required please do not hesitate to contact info@youngstenstar.ca.
Drug Receipts
We require the following:
- Official Pharmacy “Prescription Receipt”
- Date
- RX Number
- DIN Number
- Patient Name
- Fee(s) Paid
Paramedical Receipts
We require the following:
- Official Receipt
- Service Date
- Patient Name
- Provider Name & Registration Number
- Provider Address, Telephone Number, Email
- Treatment Provided
- Fee(s) Paid
- Doctor Referral if Required
Dental Receipts
We require a Standard Dental Claim Form NOT an Account Statement. A Standard Dental Claim for needs to include the following:
- Official Standard Dental Claim Form
- Service Date
- Patient Name
- Dental Office
- Unique Number
- Signature
- Procedure Codes with Fee(s) Paid